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Buy the Dip or Jump Off Ship???

Updated: Jun 20, 2024

We are at the forefront of a transition in our world which will effect everyone on the planet. It will be one of the biggest world macro-economical shifts we have seen since the 1940's and one of the biggest technological shifts since the internet. Buckle up because BIG things are brewing in the global economy and crypto/blockchain is playing a key role...Luckily for us and for the first time ever in history, The "little" guy has the opportunity EARLY to own a direct piece of this technological innovation, which these innovations will power the foundation of the shift that is knocking on our doorsteps.

Wanna know what's on the horizon, better yet know exactly when these events are going to take place and how you can profit from it? Let's throw the scuba gear on and take a deep dive...

In my upcoming blog post, I am going to cover some of the key events, narratives, and concepts that are likely to play out for the rest of 2022 in the current global economic transition we are in and in the crypto markets. I am beyond ecstatic and truly grateful to witness and be a part of the greatest financial opportunity of our lifetimes. I am even more fulfilled and joyed to have been able to meet so many of you guys just at the perfect time in life to be able to share my now 6 years of countless hours and restless nights of deep research and that you guys trust me to uncover what is truly going on behind the scenes. As i've mentioned last year and it's even more true present day, 99.99% of people in the world have NO IDEA about this crazy volatile new asset class that is sitting right under their noses but very soon, it will be integrated in almost every aspect of our lives. By investing your hard earned money into what some critics may call "magic internet money", you are taking a risk but a calculated one. You are taking a risk but for a valuable cause...a risk that so for yourselves, your significant others, your children and your children's children can have a bright, better, more free and more opportunistic future.

For those that are still here with me today, who have gone through thick and thin, that believe in the vision and still see the potential of cryptocurrency/blockchain technology and understand the key role that it will play in our lives going forward, you guys deserve everything that is about to come your way. For those that are still hesitant or skeptical of the future of crypto, there is still a small window of time to get your due diligence in and to scoop up a bag of that digital money before it's too late.

Ignore all of the critics, Naysayers, Skeptics, The "I Told You So'ers" and forgive their ignorance for they have not done their homework (;

"Nothing in life that is good comes easy"

By Rob LaVine July 29, 2022 at 11:13AM EST



Since 2011, The Stargate Signals Indicator has been 100% correct in calling the macro tops and bottoms for the dollar. This is a huge macro signal flashing right now, one that could turn the tides of the chaos and panic thats been suppressing and dragging down the markets. Currently, the dollar is flashing a "Prepare To Sell Soon" Signal indicated by the vertical red line on the chart.

For those who need a reminder on how to read the Stargate Signals, it's fairly simple:

Green Vertical line - Means Prepare to Buy Soon. (You are preparing to buy)

Blue Vertical Line - Means Buy Now. (You are buying now)

Red Vertical Line - Means Prepare to Sell Soon. (You are preparing to sell)

Yellow Vertical Line - Means Sell Now. (You are selling now)

Since we already had the vertical red line flash and alert us that we are preparing to sell, once the yellow vertical line flashes that will be our confirmation to sell the dollar and it would signal to us that the dollar rise is over.

Remember why this is important, when the dollar has sold off in the past it has pushed the crypto markets into a mega multi-year bull run with most cryptos rising over 1000% in as little as 12-18 months. With the Stargate Signals on the brink of flashing a vertical yellow sell now signal....we are very close to the kick-off of this moment to take place!


This chart is comprised of all the cryptocurrencies bundled into one chart, this gives us a better look at the total direction of the crypto market as a whole and helps be able to gauge the macro direction of the space in it's entirety. From what I see, this chart is showing us the crypto market bottom is in with a few indicators here.

The Pi Cycle Bottom Indicator has officially just flashed. The last time this indicator has flashed was at the bottom of the bear market in 2018 when Bitcoin hit $3000 (it hasn't hit that price point since). With this same indicator flashing again 4 years later, it is likely we will never see these current prices again...just like back in 2018.

Additionally, The Stargate Signals had flashed a vertical yellow "sell now" directly at the top of the market back in late 2017 when Bitcoin hit ~$20,000 before dropping to ~$3,000 in late 2018 where then the Stargate Signals had flashed a vertical blue "buy now". Accurately predicting the exact top of the bull market and the exact bottom of the bear market.

The most recent Stargate Signals would have indicated with the Vertical Yellow "Sell Now" to sell Bitcoin directly at the top in 2021 when Bitcoin was sitting around $55,000 ~ $60,000 and now recently in July of 2022 is indicating to us to prepare to buy Bitcoin any day now, which would set in stone that the prices have bottomed here around ~$20,000. Only thing we are waiting for is the vertical blue line to flash to signal us to "Buy Now".... we are very close!


This chart is a better visualization of the relationship of The Crypto Total Marketcap & The Dollar.

The top chart is the Total Crypto Marketcap (TOTAL)

The bottom chart is The Dollar (DXY)

You can see that the green shaded area back in 2017 for The Crypto Total Marketcap coincided with the red shaded area for The Dollar. Then notice that once The Crypto Total Marketcap turned to the red shaded area, The Dollar Chart turned to the green shaded area. This means that The Dollar and The Crypto Marketcap has an INVERSE relationship, which is perfectly depicted by this visualization.

Regardless of a recession and any other mainstream narratives that are pushed our way, I am looking at these charts and blocking out all of the noise. IF the dollar falls which The Stargate Signals are telling us it is going to, then cryptos will rise.

The proof is in the pudding.

Hope you guys liked this email and if so, let me know and I will start sending these out on a daily basis!

If you are looking to get access to the newest and fully revamped Stargate indicators (A total of about 7 now with more on the way), then keep an eye out in your email because I am sending out a special one time promotion for the people that want access to them!

As always, if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or need clarifications just reply back to this email and I'll do my best to answer anything you need!

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